Bob White | Docking Real Estate

Bob White

Sales Consultant

Tel: (03) 9877 7022
Mob: 0412 99 77 11

Bob’s 49 years in real estate have done nothing to wear him out – he’s still as enthusiastic and passionate about the business as he was in the early days!

His career began when the then-plucky 17-year- old, whet to work for his father’s Vermont-based real estate agency, White & Seddon.

Bob has led a balanced life around his real estate career, which makes him a family man you can relate to. Before marrying his wife Julie in 1966 and setting up home in Vermont to raise 2 children, he served as a soldier in Vietnam for the Australian Armed Forces between 1965 and 1967.

Bob still lives locally, and now enjoys supporting his kids as they raise his four grandchildren.

Bob has a unique ability to respect every single property for its own unique selling point, and knows the value of savvy marketing to generate a buzz and interest. Bob works tirelessly to sell a house not just on the merits of its bricks and mortar – but the lifestyle, location and liveability that comes with it.

It’s this progressive and positive attitude, combined with four decades of experience in and around Vermont, that have helped Bob build a reputation based on integrity and results. Bob loves working with people, and can relate to vendors and sellers of all age groups, cultures and backgrounds.

Bob is also passionate about communication and keeping vendors constantly up to date about the progress of their sales campaign. He then follows up with unparalleled after sales service that extends well beyond the fall of the hammer.

Bob believes that his mixture of youthful enthusiasm, mature experience and local knowledge is paramount to his success and his ability to get great results for every vendor.